Kyle Davis a singer songwriter from Richmond Virginia who returns this fall with a new record “Jericho ”. It is his seventh record and it reunites the amazing cast from his first Sony record “Raising Heroes” in 1999. Raising Heroes garnered 4 stars in Rolling Stone And landed several songs on the Triple AAA charts on television shows. His voice is one you have heard on many major TV commercials TV shows. He has sang on records from Bruce Hornsby to 49 Winchester and opened for everyone from Bob Dylan to John Mayer.
Somewhere in between , he tested ones shelf life with a break to raise kids but this record seems even better than the 2020 release “Make it Count”, which was critically received but released just as Covid hit . For Jericho , Don Dixon assembled the crew and most of the record was recorded at Mitch Easter‘s in Winston-Salem, finishing the vocals actually at Davis’s house in Prince George, Virginia and in Richmond at Elephant Ear.
With a deeper perspective of life, love and loss. If anything his ability to convey that just gotten better and better with time. Davis still falls somewhere in between Jackson Browne, Peter Gabriel & and Bill Withers and I think that says it all.
New Single!
“The Last Line” is the latest example of his powerful ability to craft a well-written song that grabs the listener and reels them in. According to Kyle Davis, the song “is about the rainy seasons that we all must go through and manage. The way that we handle those moments in life is what matters; it’s the hope that the last line we write will mean the most.”